Ўзбекистон, Тошкент шахар, Яккасарой тумани, Кушбеги кўчаси, 12-уй Мўлжал: "QUSHBEGI PLAZA" мехмонхона рўпарасида.
dimethoate 40% (400 g / l)
3 class
The drug is effective in agricultural crops against aphids, thrips, mosquitoes, reeds, fruit beetles, leaf worms, beetles, moths, shield-bugs, slugs, ticks, mosquitoes, and various other pests. The active substance is absorbed through the leaves of the plant, evenly distributed throughout the body and in constant motion, providing a quick and complete action against all sucking pests.
Apple | Channel, shields | 1,0-2,0 | 15-20 | Before flowering apple tree and after flowering |
Cotton plant | Channels, sap, thrips and bullet wings | 1,0-2,0 | 15-20 | During the growing season, plants |
Wheat | Hasva, worm, aphid, thrips | 1,0-1,5 | 10-20 | During the growing season, plants |
Citrus | Channels, bullet wings, shields | 0,5-1,5 | 5-10 | During the growing season, plants |
Vineyard | Canals, unsimon worms, leafhoppers | 0,8-1,0 | 10 | During the growing season, plants |