Ҳосилингиз мўл ва баракали бўлсин!

  • Тошкент ш, Яккасарой тумани, Кушбеги кўчаси, 6-уй
  • ЎЗ / РУ / EN

(+998 95) 515-00-70

(+998 94) 802-77-77



Capacity: 1 L


oxyfluorfen 24% (240 g / l)

Toxicity level:

3 class.


The drug is applied to annual, broad-leaved, and perennial dicotyledonous weeds in areas sown with onions and garlic. In particular, it is effectively used against weeds such as wormwood, wormwood, sparrow, sage, lamb thorn, chamomile, bitter grass, star grass, alfalfa, wormwood, bangidewon, spinach.

Sphere of influence and measure of use:

Onions (all generations of onion)

5-15 ml

0.8-1.0 l

against annual biennial weeds

Onions are sprayed when 2-4 leaves appear.

If weeds are treated in the initial period of development after germination, the result will be effective


5-15 ml

0.8-1.0 l

against annual biennial weeds

Onions are sprayed when 2-4 leaves appear.

If weeds are treated in the initial period of development after germination, the result will be effective.