Ҳосилингиз мўл ва баракали бўлсин!

  • Тошкент ш, Яккасарой тумани, Кушбеги кўчаси, 6-уй
  • ЎЗ / РУ / EN

(+998 95) 515-00-70

(+998 94) 802-77-77



Capacity: 1 L

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Toxicity level:

3 class.


In cotton fabrics with an average fiber content of 40-45%, the pods are sprayed upon opening and used for defoliation. Cotton is a leafy plant that naturally sheds its leaves using a variety of chemicals.

When plants are sprayed with defoliant, leaf fall is accelerated and fruit ripening is accelerated without interrupting the life of plants.

Biological analysis of the development of cotton during ripening - confirms the possibility and necessity of defoliation of cotton.

The physiological activity of the plant decreases, photosynthesis slows down, the transpiration process stops, nutrients are consumed, and the accumulation of dry matter practically stops.

This state of the plant during the ripening period not only indicates the advisability of chemical defoliation and dehydration but also determines its necessity and importance.

Chemical defoliation during the cotton ripening period accelerates the natural fall of leaves and causes rapid ripening and opening of the bowls.

Sphere of influence and measure of use:

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Crop type Disease type Consumption rate liter / ha. Time and methods of application
Rice Defloration 0,1-0,2 1