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Cotton mites and control measures

More than 30-40% of cotton, melons and other agricultural crops are lost due to cotton bollworm, and the quality of cotton fiber decreases. This pest settles on the underside of cotton leaves and feeds on leaf tissue, where it lays eggs and multiplies.

Control measures:

Biological method: distribution of encarcia entomophagous in the scheme 10x10m in the ratio 1:10, 1:20 depending on the number of pests. From the 3-4-day-old eggs of the golden-eyed entomophagous are released 2 times at intervals of 10 days in the ratio of 1.0-1.20.

Chemical method: In areas where this pest is at risk of cotton is recommended to use insecticides like VIOSPILAN 20% (0.3l / ha), VILUCHO 35% (0.1-0.15l / ha), VINFOS 75% (0.3-0.35l / ha).