Ўзбекистон, Тошкент шахар, Яккасарой тумани, Кушбеги кўчаси, 12-уй Мўлжал: "QUSHBEGI PLAZA" мехмонхона рўпарасида.
Emissive glue.
When pesticides and fertilizers are sprayed through the leaves with this glue, the pesticides and fertilizers increase the potency of the plant. Prevents pesticides and fertilizers from washing away when it rains
Can also be used during bee pollination in greenhouses. There is no harm to bees at all
Note: It is recommended to use in combination with any pesticides and fertilizers!
Scope and consumption standards:
When used in combination with insecticides, fungicides and herbicides - 2.5–5 ml per 10 liters of water
When applied in combination with fertilizers - 2.5–5 ml per 10 liters of water