Ўзбекистон, Тошкент шахар, Яккасарой тумани, Кушбеги кўчаси, 12-уй Мўлжал: "QUSHBEGI PLAZA" мехмонхона рўпарасида.
Lyambda-tsigalotrin 100 g / l
Emulsion concentrate
3 class
Crop type | Consumption rate l/ha | Consumption of the drug for 10 liters of water (ml) | Consumption of liquid per 1 l/ha | Harmful insect type | Number of times used seasonly at most |
Wheat | 0.075-0.10 | 5-7 |
200-300 | Harmful beetles, aphids, grain beetles | 2 |
Corn | 0.2-0.4 | 10-20 | 200-300 | Corn moth, bollworms | 2 |