Ўзбекистон, Тошкент шахар, Яккасарой тумани, Кушбеги кўчаси, 12-уй Мўлжал: "QUSHBEGI PLAZA" мехмонхона рўпарасида.
Pendimitalin 33% (330 g / l)
3 class.
It is used for annual biennials and cereal weeds, cotton, carrots, potatoes, and corn. Seeds are applied simultaneously with sowing before weeds appear.
Recommendation: It is recommended to add 5-10 ml of ECO SLIWETT herbicide per 10 liters of water or MAGNIT per 10 ml per 10 liters of water.
Cotton |
Against annual biennial and cereal weeds |
1-2 |
30-60 ml |
It is poured into the soil by the strip method until the crops are green. |
Cotton - when planting under a film |
Against annual biennial and cereal weeds |
1-2 |
30-60 ml |
It is poured into the soil by the strip method until the crops are green. |
The whole onion family |
Against annual biennial and cereal weeds |
3-4 |
80-150 ml |
Опрыскивают почву до появления всходов. |
Potato |
Against annual biennial and cereal weeds |
2,5-3 |
70-100 ml |
It is poured into the soil by the strip method until the crops are green. |
Carrot |
Against annual biennial and cereal weeds |
2,5-3 |
70-100 ml |
It is poured into the soil by the strip method until the crops are green. |
Corn |
Against annual biennial and cereal weeds |
2-2.5 |
60-80 ml |
It is poured into the soil by the strip method until the crops are green. |