Ўзбекистон, Тошкент шахар, Яккасарой тумани, Кушбеги кўчаси, 12-уй Мўлжал: "QUSHBEGI PLAZA" мехмонхона рўпарасида.
Propamocarb hydrochloride 72.2% (722 g / l)
3 class.
The drug is used for late blight and alternations of tomatoes in a greenhouse, as well as for root diseases. It is also very effective against downy mildew in cucumbers, cotton and potato late blight. The effect is felt 3-4 hours after the application of the drug.
Recommendations: For crops grown as seeds, add 10 ml ViPrivikur + 10 ml ECO ROOT to 10 liters of water.
Tomato | Tomato late blight and alternaria | 1,5 | 10-15 | Application begins when a white tomato-like bloom appears at the base of brown spots 3-5 mm thick on the surrounding tomato leaves, or when favorable conditions are created for the development of the disease in those areas where the disease occurs annually. Depending on the development of the disease and the weather, it can be used again after 10 days. |
Cucumber | False downy mildew in squash | 1 | 10-15 | Sprayed during the growing season of the plant |
Cotton plant | late blight | 1,5 | 10-15 | At the expense of 2 liters of the preparation per 1 ton of seeds, the treated seeds are sprayed on cotton fields during the flowering period. |
Potato | Potato late blight | 1 | 10-15 | It is started under conditions of high humidity for the development of the disease or when the first signs of the disease appear in the environment, and is used again after 10-12 days, depending on the severity of the disease. |