Ҳосилингиз мўл ва баракали бўлсин!

  • Тошкент, Яккасарой тумани, Кушбеги кўчаси, 12-уй
  • ЎЗ / РУ / EN

(+998 95) 515-00-70

(+998 77) 255-00-04



Capacity: 50 кг

Composition: Nitrogen (N) 16%, Phosphorus (P₂O₅) 16%, Potassium (K₂O) 16%

This fertilizer is widely used in growing crops to increase soil fertility and productivity.


Increases soil fertility


Ensures uniform, balanced growth and development of plants

Satisfies plant needs for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium

Increases plant productivity

Sphere of influence and measure of use:

Crop type Per 1 hectare Terms and methods of application
Agricultural crops 200-600 kg Before planting or during planting or during the growing season